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23rd International Conference 2007

"Enforcement of Environmental Regulations"


plus postage: Ireland - €2.60

(Please email for postage rate outside Ireland)


Welcoming Address
Mr Matt Murphy, Director, Sherkin Island Marine Station, Sherkin Island, Co. Cork.

Opening Address
Mr Batt O'Keeffe, T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government,
Custom House, Dublin 1, Ireland

"Focus on Enforcement - the EPA Perspective"
Dr Mary Kelly, Director General, Environmental Protection Agency, Johnstown Castle Estate, Wexford, Ireland

"Inhouse Enforcement of Environmental Regulations - An Industrial Viewpoint"
Mr Bryan Mohally, Managing Director, Janssen Pharmaceutical Ltd, Little Island, Co Cork, Ireland.

"Waste Management Enforcement in Ireland - A Practical Overview"
Mr Norman Fizgerald, Solr, Partner, Litigation Department, O'Donnell Sweeney Evershed, Dublin, Ireland

"The Shift in Atlantic Canadian Fisheries Enforcement and Compliance"
Prof Neil A Bellefontaine, World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden & Former Director General, Maritime Region, Fish & Oceans, Canada

"Enforcement of Environmental Laws in the United States"
Mr Walter Mugdan, Director, Division of Environmental Planning & Protection, US EPA Region II, New York, NY, USA

"European Wildlife Legislation: Experience of Implementation & Enforcement by the Environment Agency for England & Wales"
Mr Phil Rothwell, Head of Flood Risk Policy, Environment Agency, Peterborough, UK

"Enforcement of Environmental Conventions: The Example of the UNECE Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context"
Mr Wiek Schrage, Secretary to the EIA Convention, UNECE/EHLM, Geneve, Switzerland 47

"Environmental Impact Statements should be Enforcement Tools"
Mr Michael Ludwig, Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Trumbull, Connecticut, USA

"Water Quality: Addressing the Issues"
Mr John Sadlier, Principal, Water Quality, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Dublin, Ireland

"Ireland's Built Heritage: Are we Paying Lip Service to its Protection?"
Mr Paul Gosling, Dept. of the Humanities, Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway, Ireland [No paper submitted]

"The Enforcement of Environmental Laws in Holland - A Carrot and Stick Approach"
Mr Marco Kreeft, Senior Consultant, IWM Support, Woerden, The Netherlands

"Enforcement Must be Taken Seriously"
Mr Brendan Devlin, Former County Engineer, Cork County Council, Cork, Ireland

Speakers' CVs & Abstracts

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