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17th International Conference 2001

"Infrastructure Development
Can the Environment be Protected?"


plus postage: Ireland - €2.60

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Welcoming Address
Mr. Matt Murphy, Director, Sherkin Island Marine Station

Sherkin Island Marine Station Environmental Award 2000
Presented to Mr. Tom MacSweeney

Opening Address
Minister Dan Wallace, T.D., Minister of State at the Department of the Environment and Local Government, Custom House, Dublin, Ireland.

"National Road Planning and Environmental Protection"
Mr. Michael Egan, Head of Corporate Affairs, National Roads Authority, Dublin, Ireland.

"Infrastructure and the Environment: Are they Compatible? Shaping Local Strategies"
Prof. Frank Convery, Director, Environmental Institute, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.

"Practical Strategies for Encouraging More Efficient Transportation"
Ms. Carol Murray, Acting Commissioner, Department of Transportation, State of New Hampshire, New Hampshire, USA.

"Integrating Infrastructure with the Environment - A Local Authority Approach"
Mr. Brendan Devlin. B.E., Retired County Engineer, Cork County Council, County Hall, Cork, Ireland.

"Designing Infrastructure to Avoid Environmental Problems in the US"
Dr. Robert S. DeSanto, Vice President, Chief Scientist and Director of Environmental Planning, Parsons Transportation Group Inc., Connecticut, USA.

"Overview of National Development Plan - Infrastructure Development"
Mr. Jim Humphreys, Principal Officer, Department of the Environment and Local Government, Dublin, Ireland.

"Regulating and Assessing Development Infrastructure in the US"
Mr. David Killoy, P.E., C.P.G., Chief, Permits and Enforcement Branch, Regulatory Division, New England District, US Army Corps of Engineers, Concord, MA, USA.

"Integrating Land Use and Infrastructure Planning at the Regional Level in England"
Mr. Mike Ash, Head of Plans, Compensation and International Division, Department of the Environment, Transport and Regions, London, UK.

"Can Irish Watercourses Survive Rapid Infrastructural Developments"
Dr. Martin O'Grady, Senior Research Officer, Central Fisheries Board, Dublin, Ireland.

"The Role of Dúchas - The Heritage Service"
Mr. Dave Fadden, Director, National Monuments and Architectural Protection, Dublin, Ireland.

"The Article of Faith: Roads will Bring Jobs"
Mr. Roger Harrabin, Environment and Transport Correspondent for BBC Radio 4, London, UK.

"Preserving History in Infrastructure Development in the US"
Mr. Paul McGinley, Architect, McGinley Hart and Associates, Somerville, MA, USA.

"Reducing the Need for Infrastructure Development through Better Planning"
Ms. Lilli Matson, Head of Transport and Natural Resources, Council for Protection of Rural England (CPRE), London, UK.

Speakers' C.V's

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